.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: Getting started api_reference pylorentz ================================= The python package pylorentz provides classes to facilitate computations with 4-vectors in high-energy physics. Quickstart ========== Install the package using pip .. code-block:: console $ pip install git+https://gitlab.sauerburger.com/frank/pylorentz.git or .. code-block:: console $ pip install pylorentz Properties ---------- The package defines three types of 4-vectors: general purpose vectors, 4-positions and 4-momenta. The working horse of the package are 4-momenta. .. doctest:: >>> from pylorentz import Momentum4 >>> muon = Momentum4.m_eta_phi_pt(0.1057, 4.5, 1.5, 35) >>> muon.eta 4.5 >>> muon.phi 1.5 >>> muon.p_t 35.0 >>> "%.2f" % muon.p '1575.49' >>> "%.2f" % muon.e '1575.49' Arithmetics ----------- 4-vectors support a variety of arithmetic operations. The most important one is the addition of two vectors. .. doctest:: >>> from pylorentz import Momentum4 >>> tau_1 = Momentum4.m_eta_phi_pt(1.777, 4.5, 1.5, 35) >>> tau_2 = Momentum4.m_eta_phi_pt(1.777, -4.5, 1.5, 35) We can add the momenta of the two tau leptons and access the properties of the parent particle. .. doctest:: >>> parent = tau_1 + tau_2 >>> "%.2f" % parent.m '3150.21' >>> "%.2f" % parent.eta '0.00' >>> "%.2f" % parent.phi '1.50' Lorentz Boosts -------------- The package also provides methods to perform Lorentz boosts. For example, consider the decay of a Higgs boson to a pair of tau leptons in the rest frame of the Higgs boson. The tau leptons are back-to-back in the :math:`y`-:math:`z`-plane. .. doctest:: >>> import math >>> from pylorentz import Momentum4 >>> m = 125.0 >>> tau_1 = Momentum4.e_m_eta_phi(m / 2, 1.777, 1.5, math.pi / 2) >>> tau_2 = Momentum4.e_m_eta_phi(m / 2, 1.777, -1.5, -math.pi / 2) Now let's assume the Higgs boson itself is not at rest. We can define its momentum and then boost the two tau leptons. .. doctest:: >>> higgs = Momentum4.m_eta_phi_pt(m, 2, 0, 250) >>> tau_1.boost_particle(higgs) Momentum4(884.599, 220.498, 26.5578, 856.264) >>> tau_2.boost_particle(higgs) Momentum4(64.2195, 29.5021, -26.5578, 50.451) Links ===== * `GitLab Repository `_ * `pylorentz on PyPi `_ * `Documentation `_